Click here for Piedmont Tennis Center info

Click here and search on "Sharon" to learn more about Sharon


Detailed below, please find the arrangements for Sharon's Celebration of Life.

Regarding the college trust fund for Sharon's son, Chris,
we have set up an account with Wachovia Bank in Chris' name.
In lieu of flowers, the family would very much appreciate you
contributing to this fund.
You may make deposits into this account at any Wachovia branch.
Inform them that you would like to make a deposit to the
Christopher Robert Lester Assistance Fund Account.
Please note, it is imperative that you also confirm the last
four digits of this account, which is “6564".

The following are the confirmed arrangements:

Wednesday, November 28th, 2007: 6pm

Celebration of Life for Sharon Lester
Piedmont Tennis Center
400 Park Avenue Atlanta, GA 30306
(404) 853-3461
Note: This event will consist of a tennis round robin,
so please dress appropriately, bring your racquets,
and any preferred snacks and drinks.

Thursday, November 29th (7pm - tentative)

Wake to be held at the following address:
Gregory B. Levett & Sons Funeral Home
351 North Clarendon Avenue
Scottsdale, GA 30079
(404) 294-5500
Note: The time has tentatively been set for 7pm. Please call to verify.

Friday, November 30th: 11am

Funeral to be held at following address:
Salem Baptist Church
4700 Church Street
Lilburn, GA 30047
(770) 923-3936

Barbara and Chris' address is as follows:
1135 Clark Street
Clarkston, GA 30021

Please continue to keep Chris, Sharon's sister Barbara (Jean),
and the entire Lester family in your prayers.
Thanks for all of your support.